This package is helping you to manage async requests by adding additional meta information, like pendingAtom
with count current in pending caused promises and action hooks onFulfill
, onReject
, onSettle
. The basic fabric adds minimum features, but you could increase it by adding additional operators, see below.
included in @reatom/framework
accepts effect function which returns a promise (it could be just async
function) and call it in effects queue. ctx
already includes controller
which is AbortController.
import { reatomAsync } from '@reatom/async'
export const fetchList = reatomAsync(
(ctx, page: number) => fetch(`/api/list?page=${page}`, ctx.controller),
You could handle promise states to update other stuff during it batch in the second parameter with a list of optional hooks.
import { reatomAsync } from '@reatom/async'
const listAtom = atom({ data: [], status: 'idle' })
export const fetchList = reatomAsync(
(ctx, page: number) => fetch(`/api/list?page=${page}`, ctx.controller),
name: 'fetchList',
onEffect(ctx, promise, params) {
listAtom(ctx, { data: [], status: 'pending' })
onFulfill(ctx, result) {
listAtom(ctx, { data: result, status: 'fulfilled' })
onReject(ctx, error) {
listAtom(ctx, { data: [], status: 'rejected' })
onSettle(ctx) {},
Also, there are few additional operators which you could plug for extra features - grow as you need, unused operators will be treeshaked.
Adds property dataAtom
which updates by onFulfill
or manually. It is like a tiny cache level. reset
action included by default.
Fetch data on demand
Fetch data declaratively and lazy only when needed. This is a super simple and useful combine of async
and hooks
packages, which shows the power of reatom.
import { reatomAsync, withDataAtom } from '@reatom/async'
import { onConnect } from '@reatom/hooks'
export const fetchList = reatomAsync((ctx) => fetch('...'), 'fetchList').pipe(
onConnect(fetchList.dataAtom, fetchList)
Invalidate backend data on mutation
You could use regular atom / action hooks.
import { reatomAsync, withDataAtom, onUpdate } from '@reatom/framework'
export const fetchList = reatomAsync((ctx) => api.getList()).pipe(
export const updateList = reatomAsync(
(ctx, newList) => api.updateList(newList),
onUpdate(updateList.onFulfill, fetchList)
You could use specific async hooks.
import { reatomAsync, withDataAtom } from '@reatom/async'
export const fetchList = reatomAsync((ctx) => api.getList()).pipe(
export const updateList = reatomAsync(
(ctx, newList) => api.updateList(newList),
name: 'updateList',
onEffect(ctx, promise, /*params*/ [newList]) {
const oldList = fetchList.dataAtom(ctx)
// optimistic update
const newList = fetchList.dataAtom(ctx, newList)
// rollback on error
promise.catch(() => {
if (ctx.get(fetchList.dataAtom) === newList) {
fetchList.dataAtom(ctx, oldList)
} else {
// TODO looks like user changed data again
// need to notify user about conflict.
Adds property statusesAtom
with additional statuses, which updates by the effect calling, onFulfill
and onReject
import { reatomAsync, withStatusesAtom } from '@reatom/async'
export const fetchList = reatomAsync((ctx) => api.getList(), 'fetchList').pipe(
const initStatuses = ctx.get(fetchList.statusesAtom)
initStatuses.isPending // false
initStatuses.isFulfilled // false
initStatuses.isRejected // false
initStatuses.isSettled // false
initStatuses.isEverPending // false
initStatuses.isEverSettled // false
is like loaded state, !isEverPending
is like idle state, isPending && !isEverSettled
is like first loading state.
You could import special types of statuses of each effect state and use it for typesafe conditional logic.
export type AsyncStatusesPending =
| AsyncStatusesFirstPending
| AsyncStatusesAnotherPending
export type AsyncStatuses =
| AsyncStatusesNeverPending
| AsyncStatusesPending
| AsyncStatusesFulfilled
| AsyncStatusesRejected
You could rule cache behavior by optional length
and staleTime
parameters. length
is a number of cached results, staleTime
is a time in ms after which cache will be dropped. You are not required to use withDataAtom
, the cache worked for effect results, but if dataAtom
exists - it will be updated too. You could specify paramsToKey
option to stabilize your params reference for internal Map
cache, by default all object properties sorted.
import { reatomAsync, withDataAtom, withCache } from '@reatom/async'
export const fetchList = reatomAsync(
(ctx, filters) => api.getList(filters),
length = /* default: */ 5,
staleTime = /* default: */ 5 * 60 * 1000,
fetchList(ctx, { query: 'foo', page: 1 }) // call the effect
fetchList(ctx, { page: 1, query: 'foo' }) // returns the prev promise
Adds errorAtom
which updates by onReject
and clears by onFulfill
. You could add a mapper function and reset trigger: null | 'onEffect' | 'onFulfill'
by default).
import { reatomAsync, withErrorAtom } from '@reatom/async'
export const fetchSome = reatomAsync(async (ctx) =>
fetch('/api/some').then((r) => {
if (r.status !== 200) throw r
return r.json()
withErrorAtom((ctx, error) =>
error instanceof Response
? error.status
: error?.message || 'unknown error',
Allow to configure concurrency strategy (βlast in winβ by default) for ctx.controller.abort
call and adds onAbort
action. Added abortControllerAtom
witch stores AbortController of the last effect call, which you could abort by abort
import { reatomAsync, withDataAtom, withAbort } from '@reatom/async'
import { onDisconnect } from '@reatom/hooks'
const reatomResource = (initState, url, concurrent = true) => {
const resource = reatomAsync((ctx) =>
fetch(url, ctx.controller).then((response) => {
if (response.status !== 200) throw response
return response.json()
withAbort({ strategy: concurrent ? 'last-in-win' : 'none' }),
// abort unneeded request
onDisconnect(resource.dataAtom, resource.abort)
return resource
Adds retry
action and paramsAtom
to store last params of the effect call.
Retry request on failure
accept optional onReject
parameter which is a hook which is called with context, payload error and retries count parameters. This hook could return a number which will be used as a timer for scheduling retry
action. To skip the retry scheduling return nothing or negative number.
import { reatomAsync, withRetry } from '@reatom/async'
const fetchData = reatomAsync((ctx) => fetch('...')).pipe(
onReject(ctx, error, retries) {
if (retries < 4) return 0
import { reatomAsync, withRetry } from '@reatom/async'
const fetchData = reatomAsync((ctx) => fetch('...')).pipe(
onReject(ctx, error, retries) {
return 100 * Math.min(500, retries ** 2)
You could specify fallbackParams
for ability to call retry
before first effect call (it will throw an error either).
import { reatomAsync, withRetry } from '@reatom/async'
const fetchData = reatomAsync((ctx, page: number) =>
).pipe(withRetry({ fallbackParams: 1 }))
// will call fetch(`/api?page=1`)
Periodic refresh for used data
import { reatomAsync, withDataAtom, withRetry, sleep } from '@reatom/framework'
export const fetchList = reatomAsync((ctx) => fetch('...')).pipe(
onConnect(fetchList.dataAtom, async (ctx) => {
while (ctx.isConnected()) {
await fetchList.retry(ctx).catch(() => {})
await sleep(5000)
Story test
import { test } from 'uvu'
import * as assert from 'uvu/assert'
import { createTestCtx } from '@reatom/testing'
import { onConnect } from '@reatom/hooks'
import { isDeepEqual, jsonClone, sleep } from '@reatom/utils'
import { reatomAsync, withDataAtom } from '@reatom/async'
test('optimistic update without extra updates on invalidation', async () => {
//#region backend
let mock = [{ id: 1, value: 1 }]
const getData = async () => mock
const putData = async (id: number, value: number) => {
await sleep()
mock = jsonClone(mock)
mock.find((item) => === id)!.value = value
// this is short for test purposes, use ~5000 in real code
const INTERVAL = 5
const fetchData = reatomAsync(getData, 'fetchData').pipe(
// add `dataAtom` and map the effect payload into it
// try to prevent new reference stream if nothing really changed
withDataAtom([], (ctx, payload, state) =>
isDeepEqual(payload, state) ? state : payload,
const updateData = reatomAsync(
(ctx, id: number, value: number) => putData(id, value),
name: 'updateData',
onEffect: (ctx, [id, value]) =>
fetchData.dataAtom(ctx, (state) => => ( === id ? { ...item, value } : item)),
onConnect(fetchData.dataAtom, async (ctx) => {
while (ctx.isConnected()) {
await fetchData(ctx)
await sleep(INTERVAL)
const ctx = createTestCtx()
const effectTrack = ctx.subscribeTrack(fetchData.onFulfill)
const dataTrack = ctx.subscribeTrack(fetchData.dataAtom)
// every subscription calls passed callback immediately, 1), 1)
assert.equal(dataTrack.lastInput(), [])
// `onConnect` calls `fetchData`, wait it and check changes
await sleep(), 2)
assert.equal(dataTrack.lastInput(), [{ id: 1, value: 1 }])
// call `updateData` and check changes
updateData(ctx, 1, 2), 3)
assert.equal(dataTrack.lastInput(), [{ id: 1, value: 2 }])
// wait for `fetchData` and check changes, 2)
await sleep(INTERVAL)
// the effect is called again, but dataAtom is not updated, 3), 3)
// cleanup test